Recent Publications
50 States of Power Decarbonization: Q3 2024 Report
Quarterly publication detailing electric power decarbonization and resource planning activity across the country. Includes a comprehensive review of all state and investor-owned utility actions related to power decarbonization studies and investigations, clean energy targets, emission reduction targets and carbon policies, generation planning and procurement rules, utility integrated resource plans, and electric generation capacity changes (including RFPs, utility green tariffs, utility requests for certificates of public convenience and necessity).
Purchase Single Issue ($500) or Annual Subscription ($1,500)
50 States of Solar: Q3 2024 Report
Quarterly publication detailing distributed solar and rate design changes under consideration across the country. Includes a comprehensive review of all state and utility (investor-owned and large public power utilities) actions related to net metering, distributed energy resource valuation, community solar policy, residential fixed charges, mandatory residential demand charges, solar customer charges, third-party ownership legality, and utility-led rooftop solar programs.
Purchase Single Issue ($500) or Annual Subscription ($1,500)
50 States of Grid Modernization: Q3 2024 Report
Quarterly publication detailing legislative and regulatory actions on grid modernization across the country. Includes a comprehensive review of state and investor-owned utility actions related to advanced metering infrastructure, smart grid technologies, energy storage, microgrids, demand response, utility business model reform, and rate reform. Actions cover studies and investigations, planning and market access rules, regulatory reforms, policies, financial incentives, and utility deployment.
Purchase Single Issue ($500) or Annual Subscription ($1,500)
50 States of Electric VEhicles: Q3 2024 Report
Quarterly publication detailing legislative and regulatory actions related to electric vehicles and charging infrastructure across the country. Includes a comprehensive review of state and investor-owned utility actions related to studies and investigations, regulation, rate design, market development, financial incentives, and utility deployment.
Purchase Single Issue ($500) or Annual Subscription ($1,500)
50 States of Solar Decommissioning: 2023 Snapshot
Snapshot publication detailing legislative actions that took place in 2023 related to solar decommissioning and financial assurance. Includes a comprehensive review of all existing statewide solar decommissioning and financial assurance policies.